Sunday, September 05, 2021

One of the things our idiot elites tried to do was push Gay Pride Month on Afghanistan;

which, as Lawdog notes, was done by people either ignorant of history or so effing stupid that they actually believed that "I will get the message through and cause these primitive peoples to think as nicely(by my definition) as I!"(My way of wording it)
Come about 1994, and one of these graduates got a severe case of the ass at the rampant sexual excesses of the Afghan warlords, got three or four dozen of his madrassa buddies together, and hung one of said warlords from the barrel of a tank gun.

This graduate — name of Muhammad Umar — quickly got himself a vision, announced that he — personally — was going to end bacha bazi (the practice of sodomizing young boys), and started thumping paedophiles left, right, and centre.

This got the attention of more madrassa graduates (and the Paki ISI), and before you could turn around twice, Young Umar was in the lead of about 12,000 frothing-at-the-mouth religious students (and a hundred or so ISI agents. For communication and training, of course.), and the non-fanatic locals — finally seeing someone bringing the warlords to heel — starting using Umar and his student as neutral arbiters in all sorts of disputes.

Next thing you know (and to the absolute delight of the Pakistani Inter-Service Intelligence Agency) the tired, fed-up locals were looking at these neutral monkish students and handing the reins of power over to them.

I guarantee a lot of these idiots had no idea of this part of Taliban history.  The ones who did thought it just needed the soothing thoughts and words of themselves to change all that.  Which helped get us to this clusterfuck.

I was reminded of some of this by this video of one of said elites showing a 'masterpiece of western art' to a bunch of people(found at Insty)

They seem to consider this 'art' the same way most non-elites in the west do: "Art?  What the hell are you smoking?"

But don't worry, the same kind of elites in charge of that idiocy are currently in charge of our military.

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