Tuesday, September 07, 2021

In which our State Dept keeps lying its ass off,

expecting that to keep them from being held accountable as they should for their lousy performance in this mess.*
Responding to claims that it is blocking flights carrying Americans and lawful permanent residents (LPRs) from leaving Mazar-i-Sharif (MAZ) airport in Afghanistan, the Biden administration’s State Department reportedly admitted that it has few resources available to facilitate the evacuation and that they have no “reliable” information about the trapped flights.
A State Department official, however, told the Washington Free Beacon that the State Department’s hands are tied and that they have no resources on the ground to assist or even to provide reliable information on the passengers.

“We do not have personnel on the ground, we do not have air assets in the country, we do not control the airspace—whether over Afghanistan or elsewhere in the region,” the official told the Free Beacon. “We understand the concern that many people are feeling as they try to facilitate further charter and other passage out of Afghanistan.”

IF- and that's a big 'if'- they're telling the truth about 'no resources', that means they and the intelligence clowns and the Woke Generals have another serious fuckup they're responsible for.

*And a bunch of others for which they should be publicly flogged before being fired and banned from any sort of employment or connection with the .gov for the rest of their damned lives.

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