Tuesday, July 27, 2021

Few years back a guy I knew couldn't believe I would say bad things about John McCain,

because "He was in the Navy!", etc.  I pointed out that respecting someone for serving in the military did NOT mean they got a pass on shit they did as a politician.

Fast-forward to a bunch of leftists and journalists(yes, I  know I'm repeating myself) howling indignantly because a guy on Fox criticized the head of the Joint Chiefs.  Added to this was some other clown with stars on his shoulder basically saying "He's served 'X' years, how dare you not respect him!"  Mind you, the leftists, as a rule, hate the military, but now they're acting like you said mean things about their kid.

Which brings us to this piece.
He also tweeted at the university where I am a student, Hillsdale College, and told them to “come get your boy” for questioning the military’s quarantine and lockdown policies. General Donahoe, apparently, thinks the private sector is just like the military, where criticism can be stopped, and careers ended, with a mere snap of the fingers. As the thread attracted more attention, one commenter asked the General “how many wars he’d won.” The General responded by accusing the questioner of “shilling for Putin.” When I asked if Putin was the reason America had lost in Afghanistan, the General blocked me.

My interaction with the General serves as a microcosm of the American military’s cultural rot. Here we have a two-star General who spends his days on social media hyping a vaccine for an illness that poses minimal risk to his troops. When pressed on why America can’t win wars and why he embraces policies that treat healthy people like biohazards, his first response is to accuse his critics of treachery and then block them from view.

This is what $693 billion a year buys you: unbridled arrogance from the leaders of a military that can’t win against third world tribesmen armed with small arms and homemade explosives. A significant portion of our military leaders, like General Donahoe, are totally detached from reality. They face no consequences for losing wars or losing troops to preventable suicides. Many of them don’t really command anything at all. They are so ensconced in layers of bureaucrats, staff, operations and logistics shops, briefs, intelligence reports, public affairs officials, and aides that there is usually no danger of the public uncovering their true character, lack of leadership, or empty careers.

And now those in charge are more worried about setting up political commissars to police what the troops think than, say, training to fight.  For the Navy, teaching seamanship to the sailors in general and the officers in particular is far less important than "Your Sailors must not think politically incorrect thoughts."

These people, and this shit, are going to cost a lot of lives when things blow up somewhere.  
And when some of the generals and admirals start getting criticized by the media clowns who used to defend them, I wonder if it'll be a shock?

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