Friday, March 19, 2021

I wrote to my Senate weasel, Lankford, about his voting to confirm Garland as AG

The response boiled down to "I think he's qualified, he's less radical than other names floated, and I have confidence he will uphold the rule of law."

This after the crap Garland said, and refused to say, in the hearings.  And his open hostility toward the 2nd Amendment.

Throw this on top of voting to allow cops to search someone's internet history without a warrant, and when he spoke about the problems in the last election some group in Tulsa bitched that he'd hurt their feelings and he reversed so fast he probably got whiplash, and his vote to impeach Trump after he was already out of office...

I've heard someone is working to primary Lankford in the next election, and I'm glad.


  1. Anonymous4:39 PM

    I will be looking to support someone else, also.

  2. Lankford is a squish and always has been. I hope someone good goes up against him in the next primary.


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