Friday, March 19, 2021

A gathering of stuff

"But what about the threats found on the internet that you said required fences and razor wire and lots of NG troops?"
"Shut up" she explained.

"How dare you post findings on Wuhan that we don't want to deal with!", essentially.

This, unfortunately, is true:
What really caught my eye, though, was the way commenters responded to the article: they almost universally agreed that the U.S. military could no longer be trusted and that it should instead be viewed as yet another institution successfully co-opted by the Democrats to push “woke” socialism, enforce commie cancel culture, and punish conservatives. Just as James Comey’s spying on the Trump campaign and Robert Mueller’s Democrat-led Russia collusion investigation destroyed the reputations of the FBI and DOJ, and just as John Brennan’s public disinformation and propaganda leaks designed to take down President Trump forever politicized the CIA, now Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin’s decision to go after and eliminate Trump voters in the military’s ranks has dramatically weakened the public’s trust in the military.

A lot of leftists never heard of Roof Koreans.  And they think that people strong on the 2nd Amendment would hate the idea.
Because to many leftists are bigoted fools.

Rand Paul had some words for Fauci.  Fauci and the usual suspects are outraged.

Surprising no one, State Department Lead Investigator Says Flu Manchu Escaped From Lab

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