Wednesday, February 03, 2021

Well, he does fit right in with Biden

Joe Cotchett, the Joe Biden fundraiser and longtime friend who is largely responsible for the Biden administration’s upcoming federal judge picks, was accused by his ex-wife in his divorce case of physically abusing his children and making his daughters uncomfortable for walking around naked in front of them.

This sounds like a very good idea.
This proposal includes imposing a daily $100,000 fine on any tech company that chooses to deplatform a candidate running for office in Florida during an election cycle. It also would ensure that tech oligarchs record their promotions of certain candidates as campaign contributions with the Florida Elections Commission, a punishment DeSantis said fits the crime.

Trust Fauci?  Why the hell would I do that?

To everyone who ignored Obama's actions and screamed about 'Trump putting children in cages!',

And last, 'trust the science and experts!' only holds when they say what Democrats want to hear.
But I wasn’t given the chance to say any of that. After Casten and Huffman lied about me, Rep. Garret Graves asked the committee’s chairperson, Rep. Kathy Castor of Florida, to let me respond. She refused and abruptly ended the hearing.

What, exactly, had I said that was so dangerous as to lead Democrats to engage in character assassination and undermine liberal democratic norms? Nothing I hadn’t already said last January when I testified before Congress about climate change and energy.

Back then, I testified that climate change is real but isn’t the end of the world nor even our most important environmental problem. I pointed to the inherent physical reasons renewables can’t power a high energy industrial civilization. And I noted that cheap and abundant natural gas and nuclear, not industrial solar and wind, have been the big drivers of emissions reductions.

I further made the case that climate change was distracting us from a far greater and more urgent threat, which is the global domination of nuclear energy by China and Russia, which could be disastrous for US interests and the future of liberalism and democracy around the world.

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