Thursday, February 04, 2021

Point out Greta is a mentally-troubled kid being used for political purposes, and you're 'attacking a child/girl!';

And then there's this.
Greta Thunberg accidentally shared a message showing she was getting told what to write on Twitter about the ongoing violent farmers’ revolt in India — leading Thursday to her being probed for criminal conspiracy by police there, according to reports.

The 18-year-old left-wing eco-activist shared — and then quickly deleted — a message that detailed a list of “suggested posts” about the ongoing protests, according to the posts that were saved by Breaking 911.

The list gave a series of tips on what to post, asking her to also repost and tag other celebrities tweeting about it, including pop star Rihanna.

Seems a lot of people in India aren't real happy about having a bunch of foreigners, especially celebrities, screwing around with stuff happening in their country, too.

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