Tuesday, February 16, 2021

We have windmills frozen, we have others producing nothing because the wind is too low,

but that won't stop the fanatics from wanting to make us more dependent on the damn things.
Ice storms knocked out nearly half the wind-power generating capacity of Texas on Sunday as a massive deep freeze across the state locked up wind turbine generators, creating an electricity generation crisis.
Problems in OK for the same reason: the damn things aren't reliable, especially under these conditions.

“We are experiencing record-breaking electric demand due to the extreme cold temperatures that have gripped Texas,” said ERCOT President and CEO Bill Magness. “At the same time, we are dealing with higher-than-normal generation outages due to frozen wind turbines and limited natural gas supplies available to generating units. We are asking Texans to take some simple, safe steps to lower their energy use during this time.”
And Biden & Co. want to make the gas situation worse.  Yeah, that'll work.


  1. https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2021/02/the_irony_of_texass_massive_power_outrages_during_winter_weather.html

  2. There's a reason I have a generator.

    I remember when we bought the house I went around to the neighbors - we live kinda remote - and asked "WHEN the power goes out in winter, how long is it out for"?

    Sized the propane tanks appropriately.

  3. Only reason I don't have one is that it's maybe once(rarely twice) in about ten years that I'd use it.

    If I lived outside of town, I'd damn well have one.

  4. Anonymous6:36 PM

    A well-understood fact in the energy industry is that for every kW of renewable energy production capacity you need a kW of backup/standby power for precisely the reasons that Texas and Germany now face. Politicians, however, choose to ignore this and make demands of the utilities that make no economic sense.


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