Tuesday, February 16, 2021

They do crap like this, and then wonder why people don't trust them

On Saturday, the Times finally published Metz's profile of Slate Star Codex. It's a lazy hit piece that actively misleads readers, giving them the false impression that Siskind is at the center of a stealth plot to infiltrate Silicon Valley and pollute it with noxious far-right ideas. Unfortunately, this theme—that new tech ventures are sources of right-wing disinformation—is becoming endemic to the paper's increasingly panicky tech coverage, which cynically treats all new electronic conversation spaces as potential disinformation incubators.

According to Metz, Slate Star Codex was first and foremost "Silicon Valley's Safe Space," which is the absurd title of the piece. This gives the impression that Siskind primarily spends his time flattering venture capitalists, tech startups, and coders, which could not possibly be further from the truth.

Maybe if they stopped acting as political hacks with bylines and started acting like actual reporters, people would start to regain some trust in them. 

Chances of that happening: way too damn low.

1 comment:

  1. The dinosaur media is longing for the days when there was no alternative to the crap they peddle, the largely superficial or false narratives they are paid to push. If they an force us back to those times by sabotaging their alternative competition and tamping down other peoples' First Amendment rights through governmental regulation and freedom of speech through private means, they will do so without a moment's hesitation.


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