Tuesday, February 09, 2021

There are a lot of first-time gun buyers out there, or people

buying a new-to-them type, and I see lots of reminders of just how much a lot of them need to get some instruction.

Case in point: guy comes out of the range and says his friend is having a problem with his new revolver.  Grab the muffs and go in, "What's the problem?"

A bit of background for people not familiar with revolvers: a double-action revolver can be fired two ways:
First is to just press the trigger until the piece fires.  The trigger causes the cylinder to rotate to bring a chamber into line with the barrel, brings the hammer back, and then drops it when things are ready.  Double-action.

Second is to pull the hammer back until it locks.  That rotates the cylinder, and causes the trigger to move back to the firing position, giving a very light press to get bang.  Single-action.

What he thought was a problem was that when he cocked the hammer, the trigger moved back, and he thought it was supposed to stay all the way forward.  This just took a quick how-to and he was happily banging away.

Let's not get into the guy who put the cartridges into the magazine backward and then tried to insert the mag backward...*

*No, it wasn't an H&K


  1. For what it's worth, this very thing has been bothering me for years, and has inspired me to make a whole series of Basic Firearms Tutorial videos on my YouTube channel:


    I recently duplicated them on my Rumble channel:


  2. I have to say, it is good that more people are buying firearms, and we need to encourage them to learn how to properly use them safely and effectively.
    And of course, we must not make fun of those who are simply totally uninformed or misinformed as to how to use their new gun. By helping them learn to use their gun safely and how to use it accurately, we can bring more gun owners into the fold of those of us who can see the need for our being able to be armed. And when the government tries to disarm the people, we might have more gun owners who will stand up and say, " hey, you cannot do that, we have a 2nd amendment right to own guns."
    It is significant that many of the new gun owners must be liberals or left of center people, who have seen the balloon go up, and want to protect themselves and their loved ones, knowing that in most cases, the police either cannot get there on time, or simply will not show up at all.


  3. Yeah, you need to make a point of not making fun of or insulting someone starting out. Just point out "This is correct/this is not/this is normal", show them how to deal with whatever, and go from there.


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