Wednesday, February 10, 2021

It appears that a bunch of the asshats in the Senate have decided they override the Constitution

Y'know, that document they swore to uphold?  "WE can decide if something is Constitutional or not!"

No, you can't, asshole.  And that you think you can is proof you should be removed from that taxpayer-supplied office as soon as possible.  Preferably through a window, or if it's not far above ground, from the roof.


  1. Always look on the bright side.
    This is all to prevent The Donald from being able to run again. Because of the stupid way they have gone about it, the Supremes are certain to invalidate it if he does run.
    A side benefit is this clown show is eating up the available time to further screw up America.
    So, it's all good!

  2. Warm up the helicopters.

  3. It's only constitutional if Trump is president.

    They just admitted Biden isn't the president, right, guys? Right?


  4. markm5:08 PM

    Stuart: There will never be a court ruling, except possibly some hearing by a lower court judge who promptly gets slapped down in the appeal.If Trump doesn't run in 2024, there's no "controversy", that is, no practical consequences for the court to rule on. If he runs, it's a "political issue" and the courts will avoid a ruling. It's still a "political issue" when he wins.

    Could Congress refuse to certify the votes if he runs and wins? There's no constitutional basis for that, but also no constitutional basis for the courts to overrule them, so the SC can and will punt again. BUT that's not going to happen. If Trump wins, the vote-counting process must have been reformed so we're getting mostly honest counts from the big cities - and Congress will be Republican.

    1. At the rate congress is going, the 2022 midterms will end with Republicans winning both the house and senate.

  5. I hope so, though the ability of the STupid Party to screw things up is legendary


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