Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Zuckerbitch strikes again Updated

Fecesbook informs me that I can't comment for seven days because I violated their community standards.
They don't tell me WHAT comment violated said standards, what it was about, just "Shut up and go away for a week."
And their response to disagreeing with this was "We don't have as many reviewers because Wuhan, so you may or may not have this decision reviewed."
These people really are shit. 

Update: "We reviewed your comment, you're still bad, go away"


  1. I dumped Bookface some time ago and Linkedin as well. I feel much better now.

  2. Stuart11:23 AM

    ... and why are you on facebook in the first place?

  3. Congrats on being an official influencer.

    This happened to me too, but 2 weeks ago and for a full 30 days. Most importantly, no new conduct was cited,...only past conduct from many months ago for which I was already banned and punished. I have simply been identified as too effective at thwarting the collectivist bullshit, so for 30 days before the election, I am silenced. There really is no more definitive example of censorship than that.And now you are also included. Take heart that this indicates your effectiveness and wear it as a badge of honor that you are dangerous enough to be treated so unfairly.

  4. i use blogs like this and rantburg to get my info. The idea of facebook repels me. For one i dont think that what i think (huh)is interesting to whoever and i am picky about what i let into my old brain .

  5. Stuart, started to find some people I knew in the past. Lately it's been to spread info and annoy some people.

    Apparently I was at least somewhat successful at the latter.

    Chip, if I'm that able as an influencer, then Fecesbook standards must be low. Or I did a better job of the annoyance than I thought.
