Tuesday, October 13, 2020

This is exactly what's bothered me about the 'surge in cases' bullcrap

What exactly is a “case”? The USAToday article doesn’t say. Neither do other articles or cable news doctors and other “experts.” Is a “case” simply a positive test?

The CDC answers this question with a “case definition.” A case is not just a positive test. Instead what is needed is, “Presumptive laboratory evidence AND either clinical criteria OR epidemiologic evidence.” Notice the AND, meaning not simply a positive test.

As an analogy, suppose we routinely checked peoples’ blood sugar or blood pressure and called any single high reading as diabetes or hypertension. Imagine testing everyone’s blood sugar after lunch, when it naturally rises, and calling anyone with a reading over 140 a diabetic. We would have a surge in diabetes, yet the vast majority of these individuals are not actually diabetic.
Exactly.  Our state Health Dept. has been screaming about the 'surge', but on their site I could find nothing about which of this is actual sick people vs. positive tests.


  1. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Here in Kommiecticut, drive up testing is completely free and a prescription is not needed. Why people line up day after day to get a test is beyond me, and quite stupid. The ONLY people that should be getting tested are sick people at the doctor's office or hospital. If you have a cold, stay home but don't get tested! You are simply contributing to Gov. Jolly Ned's doom and gloom scenario of counting positive results to continue the lockdown.

    I am a FF/EMT exposed to all kinds of God knows what on a daily basis. I have yet to be tested. Neither has my wife. I would be interested to get an anti-body test since my wife and I both believe we had the Chink Bug in early March.

  2. robert orians8:41 AM

    Per John Birch Society the total worldwide deaths are at less than one tenth of one percent . Somebody there did the math from each countries total death list .

  3. we have 218 "cases". a couple sniffles, no hospitalized, no deaths. only 30 tested positive on a second test. the false positive gets counted as a case too in many jurisdictions.

  4. Yes, but remember this is a disease so deadly that an overweight, 70 year old man had to stay in bed for at least a *day*.

    How many new cases of the common cold were there last week? I have no idea because the only people dying of the common cold are those with compromised immune systems. Just like covid - now that the effective treatments aren't being successfully politicized as hard as when this started.
