Sunday, May 10, 2020

Well, sir, we've been looking for answers since this story broke;

unless there's a way now to hold some people's feet to the fire, you're not going to get them either.

It would be truly glorious to have some of the ATF brass and politicians like Holder put under oath, with it being specifically noted "We do know some things, and if we catch you lying there will be criminal charges."


  1. Mexico cooperating in prosecuting the federal outlaws shipping guns to the cartels for their war for control of Mexico. Any office holder implicated is aiding rebellion in an allied nation not to mention enabling the terror that it did. All this for what looks like a planned to fail stunt to push gun control and snd some of the violence across the border. Why do Democrat administrations hate our brown brothers?

  2. Anonymous4:03 AM

    An excellent point raised by the Mexican President and one that deserves answers by the people who were in charge of Fast and Furious. President Obama - your explanation please ? Feel free to ask your friend Eric Holder to participate and add additional information.
