Sunday, May 10, 2020

Miguel says "If your cause is just, why must you lie?"

People like Shannon Watts, lying serves them far better than the truth.
Freitas responded to the attack Thursday, accusing Watts of engaging in "politics of slander" to bolster her candidate. 

"Not only is this ‘tweet' verifiably fake, but she used it to slander my wife," Freitas said in a tweet. "If they can't win on issues, they engage in the politics of slander + personal destruction." He went on to ask Spanberger if she stood behind the "lies your allies @MomsDemand are spreading to raise money for you." Spanberger has not addressed Watts's tweet and did not respond to a request for comment.

1 comment:

  1. Because they're MISSIONARIES with a goal: one world global socialism.

    To that end, ANY means are acceptable.
