Wednesday, January 01, 2020

The reference to Venezuela is important because that asshat Sanders

was praising it to the skies, until it fell completely apart and he decided that made socialism and him look bad, at which point he started bleating "It's not fair to compare MY democratic socialism to that of Venezuela!"

I like how "real socialism" is whatever they want it to mean at a given moment, so they can tell you you "Don't know what socialism is."

Venezuela--it was real socialism, until it failed, which was somehow capitalism sneaking in there. Sweden--is real socialism, despite having multibillion dollar corporations. But wait, we'll come back to that.

The American welfare state--Someone actually told me that, "It's not socialism. It's just taking resources from those who have them and distributing them to those who need them." Which it LITERALLY THE FUCKING DEFINITION of socialism. But it's not real socialism. Except it should be universal for everyone.

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