Monday, December 30, 2019

Tab clearing

That is to say, there is precisely no correlation.

Which means there cannot be causation.

And that is a complicated way of saying, “the number of firearms in America is not driving the number of firearm-related deaths in America.”

Options and Constraints

Assholes hiding behind badges.  This one requires an excerpt:
When police lab tests for cocaine came back negative, prosecutors dismissed the felony drug charges. What was never brought up at the arraignment is that the gang unit members left field drug test kits at the scene which also tested negative for cocaine.

What cops also left: that destroyed recorder.  The brothers took it to a friend who is a computer engineer and he recovered footage from two cameras.  The video shows two different angles, one from an external camera and the other an internal camera. Officers are seen handcuffing the two owners. A few minutes later, a captain gestures to the location where the camera is located. He gets a step ladder and pulls the cords. Eventually, the camera goes blank.

More from the craphole that is New York.

Sounds like a lot of people are trying very hard not to deal with what's actually behind this crap:
...The fact that the victims are most often outwardly identifiable, i.e., religious rather than secularized Jews, and the perpetrators who have been recorded on CCTV cameras are overwhelmingly black and Hispanic, inverts the perpetrator-victim dynamics with which most national Jewish organizations and their supporters are comfortable. A close look at these cases reveals no apparent connection to neo-Nazis, the alt-right, Donald Trump, jihadism, the BDS movement, or any other traditional cause of anti-Jewish behavior.

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