Saturday, September 28, 2019

What's more racist than

"Better a kid die with family than be fostered with someone of a different race." ?
These people are bloody awful.  And they've got a lot of blood and sorrow on their hands.

1 comment:

  1. markm5:06 AM

    The first problem: "her mother and the mother’s boyfriend, who owned the gun (both are felons)"

    Why wasn't the boyfriend back in jail for felon-in-possession? Did the social worker report this to the police? I assume he was the sexual abuser also, but while that might be difficult to prove, catching a felon with a gun is an open and shut case, and it would have gotten him and the gun out of the home. That's one reason police departments love felon-in-possession laws.

    Second, this is true: "the foster care system “traumatize[s] kids by removing them from the only communities they have known” only to place them in living situations that “are no better than jails." But there are timew when removal is necessary, and it's hard to imagine a better reason for removal than a criminal mother who lets a criminal boyfriend rape her child... If this was a white family, we'd all know what to call them - "poor white trash" - but even in Louisiana, the vast majority of whites aren't like this. If the child protective system removes more black children, it's because this sort of behavior happens far more often in black families than in white families.

    Third, CPS investigations _will_ make many mistakes, because the investigators are near-morons. Most of them qualified by completing a degree in Social Work - a program of leftist indoctrination masquerading as education, which attracts and graduates many of the stupidest people to ever squeak through an easy college program.
