Saturday, September 28, 2019

First, flog and hang the rapists

Then flog and hang the effing idiots who turned them loose because "ICE bad".

These morons are insane.


  1. If you're going to hang people, do it right.

    If you ever read about Sir Henry Morgan, master buccaneer and Governor of Jamaica, you know that when he raided Panama, he strung the Grandees up by their privates until they told him where the treasure was.

    A few object lessons like that and things will begin to change in this country.

  2. markm4:11 AM

    When criminals are turned over to ICE, usually they are deported - and can sneak back across the border in a few weeks. We need to keep criminals in prison, whether they are Americans or foreigners. If they are foreigners, deport them _after_ they've been tried and served their sentence.
