Saturday, August 18, 2018

It's been a long past few days,

the last three being especially busy.  Despite all that, I have managed to dig around and get some new information in.  Have at it.

My response to this shitbird politician will follow the picture:

"I think expanded ownership of arms, and the availability of a backhoe, will be sufficient to deal with tyrant wannabes like you.  And the asshats who'd follow your orders."

Friday, August 17, 2018

"All that stuff is just some corrupt brass! Respect the FBI!"


Don't forget the Whitey Bulger crap, either.  Or the FBI labs scandals, and all the other stuff that's come out.

But we're supposed to respect and trust them.  Sure.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

This has nothing to do with helping kids; it's all about attacking men

One more insane, bigoted 'feminist' heard from.
A feminist professor at California State University-Fresno recently published an article lamenting that federal programs to promote "responsible fatherhood" among vulnerable men in fact perpetuate "patriarchy," "gender norms," and "hegemonic masculinity."
Translation from feminist bullshit: "This actually wants men to be FATHERS, not just male units who shut up and do what women say!"
Because who cares if kids do better with a father and mother?  The real priority is trashing men.

She laments: these programs "reinforce patriarchal ideology" by encouraging "hybrid masculinity," which encourages low-income fathers to be "emotionally engaged," and perpetuates the myth that mothers "cannot compensate" for the lack of a father.

These programs aim to "reshape men’s gender identities in line with a type of hegemonic masculinity focused on well-paid work and family breadwinning," she laments, claiming that they "legitimate patriarchal power."
I officially can't handle any more of this bullshit tonight.

Short version: "Suck it, you hoplophobic control freaks."

The DOJ said that the argument employed by the state AGs in their request addresses concerns beyond what the State Department has the power to regulate.
"Plaintiffs misunderstand the fundamental limit on the State Department's authority," DOJ said in the brief. "According to Plaintiffs, the Government's export-related determinations—specifically with respect to the export of technical data developed by Defense Distributed—have jeopardized their ability to protect the safety and health of their residents."

DOJ said the AGs are concerned with potential crimes committed by those in the United States if the files published by Wilson were to be downloaded by criminals in their states. However, DOJ said, the State Department's power to regulate the export of firearms does not allow it to ban the publication of information in the United States out of fear that domestic criminals may misuse it.
'Gun-phobic mayors told to piss off; Watts, Bloomberg & Feinstein hardest hit'

Trust the BATFEIEIO...

But they need to do a rule change because "BUMP STOCK!"

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

And now for an actual firearms post:

More messing around with the .310 Cadet

With most of these rifles, when a cartridge has been fired, a lot of people do not resize the case; they just deprime/prime, throw in a charge, and then slip the heel of the bullet into the case and shoot it that way. Which does work, but has two problems: One is that you have to put the cartridges in a box bullet up, and there better not be enough space for a jar to let a bullet come out; it will. Or if you try to pick it up by the bullet, it’ll come out.* This is not optimal.

Second is that some propellants will burn more cleanly and evenly if the bullet is crimped in so there’s a bit of resistance before it starts moving.

What I’d tried up to now was resizing the first 1/3 of the case so it’d hold onto the bullet heel better. That means having to size, then bell the case mouth so the bullet can be seated.

So some reading was done, and what some people have done is take a .32-20 Lee Factory Crimp die and modify it to work with the Cadet. The mod is to take the die apart(use a punch and hammer to tap the crimp piece out of the body), and then cut .250” off the body, and .230” off the bottom of the crimper.

If you’re not familiar with these dies, the inner piece is a collet, and the inside of the body is shaped so that it’s loose, but when the shell holder pushes up on the crimper, it forces it up, and a shoulder inside the die body causes the collet leaves to close in, crimping the case mouth. So this mod should allow the die to crimp the case mouth into the bullet heel(remember, this is a heeled bullet; a standard crimp die won’t work with this).

Lee die was obtained, and shortened according to the instructions, and I loaded five using it to crimp. Also, I took five loaded rounds loaded with sized cases and used this to crimp them. So next time I get a chance, I’ll see if I can see a difference. Long as it doesn’t worsen accuracy, it does the job of holding the bullet in place, so worth it for that.

Silencing the Opposition Is Like Tamping Down a Powder Keg

A lot of the people who really need to read this, won't; some of those that do will pooh-pooh it because "That could never be turned back on us!" or some equally stupid bit of reasoning.  A taste:
I do care about the fact that tech giants in more or less monopolistic positions got together to ban him form online presence at the same time.

It is a classical Left thing. The things they get the press and the tech tycoons to do under the name of proving they're "good people" and on the "right side of history," you couldn't pay thinking traitors to do.

These people aren't thinking or examining the consequences of their actions:
  • The journalists: Because they were exquisitely indoctrinated and live in an echo chamber. (And ain't too bright, as we have proof of daily. See this. Dear Lord, do journalism schools keep their graduates from ever meeting real humans?)
  • The tycoons: Because they're only really good at tech and using tech in commerce and marketing. They're fairly hopeless dweebs otherwise. They're partly scared of being the target of a lefty lynch mob (why, yes, they always were good at those, both real and metaphorical) and partly want to signal that they're on the side that will "win the future" — as their professors, their mommies, and their more socially clued-in (but often far dumber) wives told them would happen.
This is why the takeover of tech companies by the Left happened without anyone noticing. So they banned Alex Jones.

Along the same lines, a piece from(of all places) Rolling Stone.

Couple of days ago on Bookface a friend had a thread in which some Right-Thinking People were opining about how national socialists are horrible, and they shouldn't be allowed to march in public with their flag and such 'because that's not speech, it's incitement, and that's illegal!'  Pointing out that that line of reasoning couldwould come around to bite them in the ass didn't matter: "After we get rid of the national socialists* then we can consider other incitements that need to be banned."  With either a scary willingness to control any speech they don't approve of, or a really stupid belief that it won't sink fangs into them, oh no!

Throw in some media, who couldn't exist without actual free speech, now saying they'd be quite ok with some suitable bureaucrat(chosen by them or some other Right-Thinking Person) censoring what would be allowed in public discourse, and this is some scary shit.  It really is.

*No, they always say 'nazis', and often get upset when you call them by their proper name

We May Be Screwed, Exhibit A:

In a hearing Monday, a New Mexico judge found that suspects in a bizarre child abuse case were not a danger to the public, and released them on bond.

Their lawyer argued that there was a double standard in the case because his clients were Muslims. He argued that if they had been Christian and white, “we might not be here today.”
This is such horseshit, it's amazing.  Both the idiot judge, and the shitstain lawyer.

Exhibit B:
A jury found an FBI agent not guilty Friday of obstructing an investigation into who fired two errant shots at a key figure in a group that seized an Oregon wildlife refuge in 2016.

W. Joseph Astarita, 41, displayed a slight smile when the jury returned its verdict after less than a day of deliberations. He left the courthouse without comment.
God knows what the jury instructions were to produce this.  So a FBI agent, one of the elite HRT, lies under oath, false statements, destroying evidence, etc., walks.  And will still be in the EffingBI until he retires.

And the other HRT members who lied to back him up, and helped destroy evidence?  They're clear, too.

Anybody who trusts a federal LE agency about ANYTHING anymore, is a fool.

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Remember the lesson: the left will NEVER be satisfied

Apparently among the grievances is that Ruby Rose, though identifying as a lesbian since age 12 (which is another matter I won't bother with), also says she's "gender-fluid," which means she's not a perfectly lesbian lesbian therefore cannot play a lesbian.

Also, "straight girls" like her, and she's "well-known," so she can't play a lesbian.

Also she's "hot," so that takes this particular lesbian out of contention to play a lesbian.
Etc., etc., etc.

Few years back some enviroweenie actor was insisting that African villages

should not get/use any electrical power except what they could get from solar panels on each domicile, or maybe a small windmill for the village, because it would 'ruin the village ambiance' he so loved.

Of course, he doesn't cook his meals over dried animal crap.  Which is strange, as that's part of that smelly ambiance he loves so much.

Bjorn Lomborg has something to say about that.  It's good.
There is a strong, direct connection between power and poverty: the more of the former, the less of the latter. A study in Bangladesh showed that grid electrification has significant positive effects on household income, expenditure, and education. Electrified households experienced a jump of up to 21% in income and a 1.5% reduction in poverty each year.
Perhaps not surprisingly, the first rigorous test published on the impact of solar panels on the lives of poor people found that while they got a little more electricity, there was no measurable impact on their lives: they did not increase savings or spending, they did not work more or start more businesses, and their children did not study more.

Little wonder: 170kWh is not what most of us would consider real access to electricity. Off-grid energy at this level will never power a factory or a farm, so it cannot reduce poverty or create jobs. And it will not help fight the world’s biggest environmental killer: indoor air pollution, which is mostly caused by open fires fueled by wood, cardboard, and dung, and claims 3.8 million lives annually. This is not a concern in rich countries, where stoves and heaters are hooked up to the grid; but because solar is too weak to power stoves and ovens, recipients of off-grid solar panels will continue suffering.
Which brings up the question: why do enviroweenies hate the poor and people of color so much?

Monday, August 13, 2018

This is clearly unpossible in Britain, they have all the right gun laws!

Victims injured in a shooting in Manchester were hit by pellets fired from a shotgun in what is being treated as attempted murder, police have said. 

Children as young as 12 were injured in the incident at around 2.30am on Sunday morning, as a crowd of several hundred people enjoyed a street party following the Caribbean Carnival in Moss Side. 

Greater Manchester Police are investigating the shooting as attempted murder but have not yet identified a motive for the “reckless” act.
And we have this marvelous statement from the head cop:
Ch Supt Choudhry said that “thankfully” none were life-threatening, adding: “It would be obvious to any particular person that discharging a firearm in a large crowd like this is completely reckless.”
No shit?

I'd thought that maybe I'd be able to hit the outdoor range

and do a little tuning on that rear sight.  Forecast pretty much kills that for this week; the only days I'd be able to try, rain.  Ah well, I can get some more stuff loaded for the day.

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Someone posted a XKCD cartoon that basically said

'Flying a National Socialist flag is actually incitement, so not protected speech.'  Which sounds nice.

I wonder if the leftists pushing this will like it when it's applied to protesters carrying Soviet or PRC flags?  After all, they promoted the mass-murder of whole classes of people.

Or is that another "It's different when WE do it!" thing?