Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Few years back some enviroweenie actor was insisting that African villages

should not get/use any electrical power except what they could get from solar panels on each domicile, or maybe a small windmill for the village, because it would 'ruin the village ambiance' he so loved.

Of course, he doesn't cook his meals over dried animal crap.  Which is strange, as that's part of that smelly ambiance he loves so much.

Bjorn Lomborg has something to say about that.  It's good.
There is a strong, direct connection between power and poverty: the more of the former, the less of the latter. A study in Bangladesh showed that grid electrification has significant positive effects on household income, expenditure, and education. Electrified households experienced a jump of up to 21% in income and a 1.5% reduction in poverty each year.
Perhaps not surprisingly, the first rigorous test published on the impact of solar panels on the lives of poor people found that while they got a little more electricity, there was no measurable impact on their lives: they did not increase savings or spending, they did not work more or start more businesses, and their children did not study more.

Little wonder: 170kWh is not what most of us would consider real access to electricity. Off-grid energy at this level will never power a factory or a farm, so it cannot reduce poverty or create jobs. And it will not help fight the world’s biggest environmental killer: indoor air pollution, which is mostly caused by open fires fueled by wood, cardboard, and dung, and claims 3.8 million lives annually. This is not a concern in rich countries, where stoves and heaters are hooked up to the grid; but because solar is too weak to power stoves and ovens, recipients of off-grid solar panels will continue suffering.
Which brings up the question: why do enviroweenies hate the poor and people of color so much?

1 comment:

  1. I'm not going to comment on your post; you have done a better job then I could.....what I would like to comment on is the lack of clean water and cooking stoves in those villages. I for one think that we don't need to import "our way of doing things" into their cultures. I think we need to help them install house water filters. You can find numerous plans for those on the net.
    Also, those people are using "crap to heat their food"; yes they are. And it is burned in an enclosed space; their home. So the amount of disease from breathing that smoke; Oy Vay!!! There are numerous plans on the net for basic ovens/stoves/heating surfaces that will eliminate the smoky living conditions. THAT'S where we need to spend our overseas monies.....improving the basics for those people. THEN we would win their hearts.



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