Wednesday, August 15, 2018

We May Be Screwed, Exhibit A:

In a hearing Monday, a New Mexico judge found that suspects in a bizarre child abuse case were not a danger to the public, and released them on bond.

Their lawyer argued that there was a double standard in the case because his clients were Muslims. He argued that if they had been Christian and white, “we might not be here today.”
This is such horseshit, it's amazing.  Both the idiot judge, and the shitstain lawyer.

Exhibit B:
A jury found an FBI agent not guilty Friday of obstructing an investigation into who fired two errant shots at a key figure in a group that seized an Oregon wildlife refuge in 2016.

W. Joseph Astarita, 41, displayed a slight smile when the jury returned its verdict after less than a day of deliberations. He left the courthouse without comment.
God knows what the jury instructions were to produce this.  So a FBI agent, one of the elite HRT, lies under oath, false statements, destroying evidence, etc., walks.  And will still be in the EffingBI until he retires.

And the other HRT members who lied to back him up, and helped destroy evidence?  They're clear, too.

Anybody who trusts a federal LE agency about ANYTHING anymore, is a fool.


  1. I believe that these FBI agents actually hit Lavoy Finicum with one of these bullets. The state troopers reported that when they examined the body a .556 mushroomed bullet fell out of his shirt,

    It was one of the FBI shots that traveled through the truck roof, a window and then into his winter coat where it was stopped. They shot him when he was standing just outside the truck as seen in this video . He wasn’t reaching for a gun like they said. He was most likely reaching for where he had been hit by them.

  2. Anonymous8:45 AM

    They claim that shooting Finicum was “legally justified”, but since the entire incident was based on an illegal stop nothing the police did could be legally justified. There was no legal reason for the police to stop their vehicles. There was no traffic violation as they initially claimed. They didn’t have warrants for their arrest, they eventually got warrants the next day. After stopping the vehicle the police refused to approach and then shot at them. That is not how police do traffic stops. Then they set up a roadblock around a blind curve. Which again is not how police are supposed to do roadblocks.

    Without legal cause to stop them everything the police did was criminal. Every step of the way they escalated the situation. They fired at them at the initial stop, they fired as they drove away, they fired as they approached the roadblock, they fired at them after the stop, and they fired at Finicum when he got out of the truck. Then after all these unprovoked attacks on them, the police had the gall to claim self-defense when they fired the rounds that killed him. That is not how self-defense works and it is not how the law is supposed to work. Since the police were the aggressors and they weren’t enforcing the law it is impossible for them to legitimately claim self-defense. Simply put you can’t attack somebody and then claim you acted in self-defense. If the law was actually being followed then the state police and FBI agents involved would be charged with first-degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder.

  3. GregMan9:12 AM

    "Their lawyer argued that there was a double standard in the case because his clients were Muslims. He argued that if they had been Christian and white, “we might not be here today.”"

    Correct. If they had been Christian and White they wouldn't have set up a terrorist training camp in the first place.

  4. "...And will still be in the EffingBI until he retires".

    We'll be paying for his pension after he retires and he'll be a reliable democratic vote long after he's dead.

  5. Despite what it's called America does NOT have a "Justice System". It has a LEGAL System......concerned only with the use, misuse and abuse of innumerable laws in the service of the state and the agenda of those in power. IF.....and that's a big if....
    justice actually occurs in a courtroom it is an accidental and unintended byproduct of the legal process.


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