Sunday, November 18, 2018

How bloody stupid and closeted are hoplophobes and gun bigots?

This stupid.

It's just bloody amazing that supposedly intelligent, sophisticated people can spout such bullshit and believe it.


  1. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Nothing stupid about it. They don't believe it, they don't even care if it's true or not. What's important is that it furthers their narrative, not whether it's right or wrong (dead concepts in their eyes anyway).

    We should never be surprised by wild bullshit spewed by the communists. They have a goal, making sure their boot is on our neck for the rest of time. They're using the language and the narrative to achieve that goal. I don't think trying to correct them or assuming they care about being wrong is ever going to work for us.

  2. 30 million ARs in the USA, at the minimum.

    If each one was a mass-shooter, meaning four or more murders with no cooling off period, that would mean 120 million murders in America. That would be 1 in 3 people murdered.

    Have you looked around and noticed that one in three people is dead?
