Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Worst Hitler ever

From a thread on Bookface, from Michael Z. Williamson:
Liberal shitheads (pardon the redundancy) think Trump is anti-semitic despite Jews in the family and all through the cabinet.

And wish the Trump kids were dead, because they're tolerant and liberal.

And believe unopened pallets of water in Puerto Rico are Trump's fault, because apparently Puerto Ricans can't open pallets without a magic release from Trump or some shit.

I will continue to insult shitheads for being shitheads.

Someone please go to comments and post that picture of Trump with all the Jewish cabinet members.
Seriously, at some point you'd think even the diehard Trump haters would acknowledge all the Jewish employees he's had, and among the people he trusts, and in his FAMILY, are an indication that he's not exactly badthoughts toward Jews.

Except that would mean acknowledging that this insult was bullshit from the start, and most of them don't have the integrity or balls to do that.

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