Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Well, so much for the outdoor range today Update on the restaurant

From '40% chance of showers tomorrow' last night to 'It's raining and likely to continue this morning' now.  Cool is fine, but testing loads in rain isn't much fun.  Or good for accuracy, generally speaking.

By the way:
The other day Ted Cruz and wife were driven from a restaurant called Fiola in DC, apparently a very upscale place, by a crowd of antifa assholes.  And the management stood around with thumb up ass while it happened.

Let's say you're just someone else in for dinner; would you be thrilled that the management allowed this crap to happen and screw up your evening?

I hope they're catching hell for this.
It appears that this restaurant actually cares about the customers: they moved the Cruz's to a private room, called the cops to remove the assholes, then served dinner.  THAT'S how it's supposed to work.


  1. Actually it has come out that the restaurant staff hustled the Cruzs off to a private room, then moved the protestors out, and then Senator and Mrs. Cruz had a nice dinner at their table.

    The restaurant acted actually very adult-like, for once.

  2. Just ran across this a bit earlier, need to add it in

  3. Just glad it cooked off. I hate those 35 degree temp swings.
