Wednesday, September 05, 2018

A demonstration of why I despise Feinstein,

and have come to despise and loathe most of the Evil Party leadership: from the Kavanaugh hearings
"Let's play word games to do anything we can to ban everything we can."  I could come to actually hate these people.

Let us remember, also, that in her attempt at Assault Weapons Ban, Part II, she not only had a looong list of specific firearms, but expanded her definition of 'assault weapon' so as to cover just about every semi-auto firearm in existence.  And now claims they're 'not commonly used'.


  1. Anonymous7:54 PM

    I would donate to any GoFund me or other type campaign raising money to sue these bastards to denial of civil rights violations.

  2. Anonymous5:24 AM

    National Matches are shot with AR type rifles.
    That equals common use.
    So does Fox contributor Katie Pavlich putting on camo
    and using one to shoot a coyote while hunting in Texas.


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