Friday, July 20, 2018

Mentioned it before, this kind of crap is why the ACLU can kiss my ass

[T]he ACLU now advises all its affiliates to consider the content of speech, and whether it advances our goals, before deciding whether to defend the right to speak.

That is a balance never before recognized by the ACLU as legitimate in deciding whether to take a free speech case. To deny that this departure from free speech policy is a departure is intellectually dishonest, an Orwellian smokescreen thrown up to obscure what they are doing.

And that, it seems, is why they tried to hide the new guidelines, even claiming, absurdly, that they were protected by the lawyer-client privilege. To say now, after the guidelines were disclosed by others, that they have nothing to hide rings hollow.
The national ACLU has never liked or wanted to defend the 2nd Amendment(some local branches have), but they've made a big deal of "We defend speech!"  Except now they don't.

Screw the bastards.


  1. The ACLU really hasn't done a lot to defend speech they don't like ib a long rime- except on rare occasions whee they needed to boost their street cred.

  2. you expected anything else from the American communist lawyers' union?


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