Thursday, July 19, 2018

"At least Obama stood up to Putin!"


Ah, SuperJews, is there nothing they cannot do!
(or it could be that this is a tectonically active area, and earthquakes happen, but why mention that when you can blame the JOOOOOS! for doing something evil?)

No, slavery wasn't invented in the US.  That a bunch of idiot teachers actually teach this is a testament to either
They are incompetent and ignorant of history,
They know they're lying to their students.

Someone mentioned an old prayer: "Lord, make my enemies stupid."  Well, yeah, that works.
When your "He's destroying relations with allies!  He's insulting NATO!" noise is based on "You need to pay what you agreed to for your own defense", you have a problem.

I'm with Michael Z. Williamson: He wasn't my choice, but it's worth having him there for the sake of watching the left absolutely lose their shit whenever he does- well, anything.

Short version of control freak: "This may mean money that we don't know you have, and if we don't know if you have it how can we tax you on it?  Also terrorists and criminals!"

Which reminds me of a law professor wanting to get rid of $50 and $100 bills because 'Criminals use them'. 

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