Friday, November 24, 2017

What happens when city government and cops don't care about the law

The president of a local railroad company, affected by an encampment of protesters on tracks it uses, has sent a letter to Mayor Cheryl Selby and Olympia Police Chief Ronnie Roberts, urging that police take action against the protesters. 
Since Friday, the group has occupied a section of railroad tracks at Jefferson Street and Seventh Avenue Southeast to protest fracking sand cargo handled by the Port of Olympia. Port officials have said there is no rail shipment of such cargo scheduled.
This should've needed nothing more than a call to the cops: "Bunch of protesters are blocking the tracks."  Upon which the cops would come out and give them the choice of moving or being arrested, and then doing it.

But this is Olympia, which is run by idiots.
So far the city of Olympia has shown little interest in getting involved.

City Manager Steve Hall said Monday he hopes the port and railroad officials will resolve the issue. “This feels like a repeat of last year, and nobody wants to go through what happened last year,” Hall said.
Translation: "We want the port and railroad to surrender, because when the cops actually did their job last year all the woke people were mad at us."

Wonder how many jobs this is going to cost because the trains can't run?  And why doesn't the damned City Council care about that?


  1. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Blocking-Or even trespassing on rail road right of way, is a federal crime and has been since the 1890's. Rail road workers are authorized to carry firearms and arrest or kill anyone on RR property and have been so empowered for more than 100 years. Blocking RR right of way is a terrorist act under the patriot act. All Rail Roads have there own FEDERAL level "Rail Road Agents" and ALL train conductors and engineers have federal LE powers, and they can act without local or state permission or involvement against anyone on RR property--including local PD. Somebody is creating a giant BS story out of this. The RR's could shut this down today if they wanted too.

  2. 1) As noted, that's a federal crime.
    Call the FBI.
    2) RRs have had their own police since forever. Call them.
    3) Shut down the RR access to the city until further notice, and tell all those expecting shipments in or out (supermarkets, etc.) why you've shut it down, and give them the phone number of the OPD.

    Problem would be solved in about 0.2 seconds.

  3. Andrew11:47 PM

    The Pinkerton Company made it's money and name busting trouble for the rail roads.

    And going on rail road property gets all sorts of federal agencies involved, including FBI, OSHA, NTSB, Trade and on and on.

    Playing with fire, these protestors be.

  4. Don't stop the train. Let it run, see if those folks think they can stop a moving train. To the idiots who don't get out of the way, the expression is "culling the herd". We need to stop these folks from breeding. I honestly will not lose any sleep over ignorant lackwits getting run over by a train.
