Thursday, November 23, 2017

Tab clearing (Chicxulub link fixed)

One of the gifts Obama helped return to some parts of the world: open slavery.

I need this shirt

Looks like the Chicxulub asteroid came in at a very bad angle for the planet.

LAPD and the LA city government may be taking lessons from the Brits on lying about crime numbers.

'Higher' Education, and PC no matter how stupid:
That feeling when you’re a teaching assistant and in your communications class you play a Jordan Peterson clip about pronouns and freedom of speech, hoping to spur discussion, and you then get reported and hauled in front of faculty and the manager of the university’s Gendered and Sexual Violence Prevention and Support Office for a ritual scolding, during which you’re accused of remaining politically neutral, which is deemed both a “problem” and in itself “threatening,” before being accused of “gender-based violence.”

The teaching assistant in question, Lindsay Shepherd, has, at the time of writing, been allowed to keep her teaching position at Wilfrid Laurier University, Ontario, but must now file copies of her lesson plans in advance for vetting and must allow faculty members to sit in on her sessions as and when they wish. Presumably, to head off any further political neutrality.

Yes, making the country go vegan would be a disaster; along with the fact that you try to take our meat away, we'll shoot you.
(You'll notice they cover the 'threat' of livestock farts worsening globular warmering, but not how much more land would have to be cleared for more crops. And kind of short on the 'Just how much of what more would have to be grown/eaten/supplemented to get the nutrients we'd lose'. But they do acknowledge there are some, ah, slight problems with the vegan/vegetarian dream.)

More accusers against Franken and Conyers; anyone surprised?

And now I have some things to do; have a good Thanksgiving

1 comment:

  1. tkdkerry1:00 PM

    It looks like the Chicxulub link is incomplete.
