Monday, August 21, 2017

Some old saying about 'watch out for the quiet ones'...

El Mundo newspaper described the officer as being 'very quiet, not the Rambo prototype of an elite officer'.

He is married with children, and was only on duty because he was working overtime to earn some extra money for his family.

So, what'd he do?
'The jihadis ploughed an Audi A3 into pedestrians on a promenade before crashing into a police checkpoint - overturning the vehicle and injuring one officer, who suffered a broken leg. The terrorists then jumped out armed with an axe and knives.

Using his army training and experience, the officer pulled his weapon and shot dead four of them, probably saving dozens of lives.
If I ever meet that man and know who he is, drinks will be bought.

1 comment:

  1. Daily mail says he was a SHE.

    But yes, I too will buy the beer should we ever meet.
