Monday, August 21, 2017

"No enemies on the left!"

Stupid bastards are going to be really upset when their 'allies' get to them.

Last night saw a Bookface post by someone I'd thought leftist but not stupid, and besides the "Violence is the answer to the violent words of Nazis!" crap(guess how wide the 'nazi' category is?),
someone pointed out the violence of Antifa and "Oh, no, never!  Antifa is peaceful and just protecting people!"

It's bloody amazing.  And depressing.  Throw in the virtue-display of a big "I hate nazis and their enablers!" post...

1 comment:

  1. Having survived the rubble and ruin of a buggered up proggie family, Firehand - I am not surprised at anything those a-holes do anymore. We're going to war with these morons - bank on it. And it won't be the racists and fascists in this fight - it will be honest family men like you and I that just want to be left alone. I don't bookface or twatter and never will. If they are going to censor it to the tastes of queers, Marxists and degenerates - they can have those forums and I won't give it the time of day.
