Wednesday, August 24, 2016

This comes under the heading of "Screw his 'tender age',

throw the little bastard in prison."
During his attacks, Zameer Ahmed punched the girl to the face and body, kicked her repeatedly and strangled her with his bare hands, heard Derby Crown Court. He would tie her up with a dressing gown cord and put it around her face and mouth. He also made her stand naked at the front of the house.

Prosecutor Mark Watson said Ahmed carried out "torture sessions", which was, effectively, "waterboarding". This involved putting a cloth over her face and pouring water over it, which "gives the sensation of drowning".
And more.  Pretty bad, right?  Deserving of serious punishment, maybe?
Giving Ahmed a two-year detention and training order, of which he will spend 12 months in custody, Judge Ebraham Mooncey said: "This is a very serious case and when one looks at the facts, had you been an adult you would be looking at a very lengthy sentence indeed. All in all, you would have been leaving this court with six or seven years today."

But, he said, he had taken into account that Ahmed was only 16 and the difficulties he had had in his life.
I'm going to stop now before I damage my keyboard.

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