Wednesday, August 24, 2016

These people really don't give a crap about 'classified', do they?

Hillary Clinton's most trusted State Department aide Huma Abedin once left classified papers in the pocket behind the front seat of a staff car she was assigned in India, according to an email released Monday.

Abedin wrote to Clinton's personal assistant Lauren Jiloty on July 20, 2009 to ask her to move the material to her trunk so an ambassador wouldn't see them when he rode with her in the back seat.

She told Jiloty that the papers consisted of 'burn stuff,' indicating that they were classified documents that belonged among materials that agency rules required employees to place in 'burn bags' for incineration.
'I'm going to have ambassador ride on next drive,' Abedin wrote to Jiloty in an email titled 'Favor.'

'There's a bunch of burn stuff in the pocket of my front seat.'

'Can u put in trunk?' she asked.
Military personnel have had severe punishment for less.   But then, they're actually held to some standards of conduct.

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