Sunday, July 07, 2013

What about those 'demoted and dismissed' ATF agents?

ITEM: Perjury doesn’t just take place before the Southern District of New York. B. Todd Jones lied to Congress about the consequences of Fast & Furious. He told the Senate that “Gunwalker Bill” Newell, one of the principal architects of the strategy to drive Mexican gun violence higher to justify ATF’s allies’ legislative agenda, was “demoted” to a Headquarters job. Not exactly. Gunwalker Bill is assigned to Washington on paper, but it’s a no-show job. He’s actually living in Salt Lake City, where his family is from, and he’s not only being paid every dollar he ever got before in his misleadership position, he’s also getting a substantial Washington-based housing allowance, not the lower SLC bennie, and the ATF (meaning you chump taxpayers) paid him nearly five figures “moving assistance” to make the move. Other F&F figures like Billy Hoover, Bill McMahon, Bill Newell, Kelvin Crenshaw (the laughingstock behind an ATF seizure of Airsoft toys he insisted were “machine guns” before his F&F failures), Hope McAllister and David Voth have all been “punished” with a lateral or a move up. McMahon was allowed to move to the Philippines and collect a $250k salary from “too big to jail” bank JP Morgan, while still collecting his roughly equivalent ATF salary and benefits, too, for his no-show ATF job! It’s a nice deal, but line agents need not apply. You have to F up to move up to that level.
Which is the kind of thing that causes people, every time that sellout Rubio insists "There will be a law saying 'X'!" on the Amnesty for Illegals bill, to laugh.  Or swear.  Or both.  These bastards broke laws, broke ethics, lied under oath, false documents, the whole damn works; and their 'punishment' is to stay with the agency or somewhere else in the DoJ, still getting paid.
If nobody will ENFORCE the law, then why are we supposed to believe a damn thing Rubio, or Todd, or Schumer or any of these other bastards say?

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