Sunday, July 07, 2013

Naw, nothing suspicious about this at alllll....

The Treasury Department on Wednesday refused to confirm or deny the existence of an inspector general report investigating whether or not former White House economic adviser Austan Goolsbee illegally accessed tax information on the Koch brothers.
Subpoena his ass; tell him he's under oath and hand out an indictment if he lies.  And subpoena anyone necessary from Treasury and them them the same.  AND DO IT.

More from the Most Transparent Administration EVER!
White House officials vetoed all public airing of a video of President Obama thanking the American Library Association Sunday for helping inform the public about Obamacare.

“We were specifically told by the White House to only show it [the video] once to conference attendees, and [the] White House said we aren’t able to send it out,” Jazzy Wright, Press Officer for ALA’s Washington, D.C. office, told the Washington Examiner.

That credentialed clown Tam ran across the other day?  He says you shouldn't have to have the same insurance on your car in case somebody steals it and commits a crime because
Guns are inherently dangerous, Dan. Cars are not.
Insty has a theme about people who are 'credentialed, not educated'.  I think this idiot fits.
And I love Tam's comment: (Careful picking a fight with the guy; he's got more sheepskins than a condom factory. ;)
Lots of sheepskins, no sense.

Aside from those I've got nuttin'. At all.  And I'm hungry.


  1. My wife got so pissed off last night about this whole must have insurance deal to own guns. Just another fascist attempt to maintain control over the populace.

  2. Cars are not inherently dangerous? Is that why according to the law they are deadly weapons and to get into one while drunk, with the intent of driving it is deemed to be intent to kill?

    What Mr. Credentialed (fka educated fool) meant was that cars have utility that he recognizes to be greater than the utility he recognizes for guns.

  3. Oh, and considering the number of negligent driving deaths every year, there are lawyers out there who are just dreaming of the day they can pin a driving death on the owner of a stolen car for not keeping it safely locked up (safely to be defined after the fact, when it was said that "on a clear day you can foresee forever").
