Sunday, June 16, 2013

Why does anyone not in NYEffingCity worry about Bloomberg?*

The U.S. Department of Justice filed papers Wednesday saying that if a federal judge ruled the NYPD's practices unconstitutional, then the DOJ would strongly endorse the use of a monitor to oversee changes at the department. 

The mayor, however, said that the police department needs a clear line of authority. "No military organization or paramilitary runs where you have confusion in the command structure. You just cannot have that. Lives are on the line," he said in a question-and-answer session with reporters.
Well, Mr. Mayor, if the NYPD is no longer a law-enforcement agency, then do you consider it a full-out military or only a paramilitary organization?

*Besides his trying to buy politicians and votes and elections in other states, that is.


  1. I have always wondered why anyone not living in NY ever worried about that scurrilous little puke too.
    He is a fucking MAYOR for Chrissakes.
    Soon to be EX mayor with any luck too.

  2. Gerry N.8:30 PM

    Far too many Po-Po's, not only in Noo Yawk Effin' Sittie think and atk like occupying forces.

    I live in a town of 20k persons and da mare and I have that talk with the Kommandant Po-Po from time to time pointing out to him that one of these days some of his brownshirts are gonna accumulate lethal quantities of medium to high velocity lead bits if they don't knock off their SS mindset and actions.

    Gerry N.

  3. Other than his extra-legal activities in jurisdictions where his writ does not run*, I look at Nanny Bloomberg the same way I used to look at Louisiana politics. With amazement, for amusement.
    I did miss just when it was they started to export whatever it is they feed the politicians in Louisiana, though.

    As for not running, he doesn't appear to do much of that himself, so I wonder if he thinks that since he needs a minder to keep him from drinking 256 oz of Coca-Cola every day, the rest of us do, too. Projection: Explaining Leftist meddling since the beginning.
