Saturday, June 15, 2013

Buffalo Grove, IL: "We'll just say what we WANT to be true

and try to make law based on that!"
Also known as the "We'll lie our collective ass off in the name of controlling people."

Also from Thirdpower, another Democrat blowing the racist dog-whistle.
"I know it’s partially about me being a Latina and being in this position of authority,” said Giron.
We're left wondering if she actually believes this crap, or if she just considers calling people 'racist' is her standard method of dealing with voters who won't kiss her ass.

Carefully ignored is the fact that three other Hispanics, both Republican and Democrat, male and female, opposed a number of gun bills this session.
Republican Latina Clarice Navarro opposed all the gun bills.

Democrat Latinos Ed Vigil and Leroy Garcia opposed the Mag Ban, and Vigil also opposed the background check bill.

No recall campaigns have been initiated against any of those Hispanic politicians.
Not that such inconvenient facts got in the way of Giron shamelessly playing the race card.
I'm wondering how being called a racist, or having friends/family called such, is going to sit with people on the fence?

So, your opinion: how much of Obama wanting us in war in Syria is actual thinking it a Good Thing, and how much is it "Let's distract people from the IRS and NSA and Holder lying"?
Especially since, if he does start handing out weapons, it'll in many cases be to people who are either al Qaeda or sympathetic to?

1 comment:

  1. It is not the color of her skin that gives me pause, it is the color of her politics.
    Adults understand the distinction.
    Giron, being a leftist of the first order, and viewing race as politics (as set fort in Schickegruber's "My Struggle"), can't reason that well.
