Saturday, June 22, 2013

To those who informed me, with great upset,

that "You don't care if the planet dies!" because of my skepticism of AGW and the warmenist scaremongering, I will now quote from the eminent engineer Wolowitz:
                                             "Suck it!"
“There are two conceivable explanations — and neither is very pleasant for us,” said Storch. “The first possibility is that less global warming is occurring than expected because greenhouse gases, especially CO2, have less of an effect than we have assumed. This wouldn’t mean that there is no man-made greenhouse effect, but simply that our effect on climate events is not as great as we have believed.”

“The other possibility is that, in our simulations, we have underestimated how much the climate fluctuates owing to natural causes,” Storch added.
Translation: "Our models suck, and we're full of crap."
“Certainly the greatest mistake of climate researchers has been giving the impression that they are declaring the definitive truth,” said Storch. “The end result is foolishness along the lines of the climate protection brochures recently published by Germany’s Federal Environmental Agency under the title ‘Sie erwärmt sich doch’ (‘The Earth is getting warmer’). Pamphlets like that aren’t going to convince any skeptics.”
No shit?

I'm going to cut to near the end, because this is exactly the kind of crap that's led to the current situation:
However, Storch said that he still believed in global warming and that earth’s temperatures would continue to rise.
"Screw that the models haven't worked, and our threats are crap!  I BELIEVE!"
“Yes, we are certainly going to see an increase of 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) or more — and by the end of this century, mind you,” he said. “That’s what my instinct tells me, since I don’t know exactly how emission levels will develop.”

“Whether it ends up being one, two or three degrees, the exact figure is ultimately not the important thing,” Storch added. “Quite apart from our climate simulations, there is a general societal consensus that we should be more conservative with fossil fuels."
Ta-daaa!  "The facts don't really matter, whether it actually warms AT ALL, the important thing is getting rid of fossil fuels."

I will now accept apologies from the jerks who've informed me I have no concern for facts and 'scientific consensus'*, and no care for Mother Earth.

*Be it said, 'scientific consensus' is bullshit; but they meant I don't have concern for it in a bad way.


  1. Anonymous8:16 PM

    You really need to add a "beverage warning" before you post crap like, "the greatest mistake of climate researchers has been giving the impression that they are declaring the definitive truth"

    Impression? Impression??!?!? WTFF?

    "The Science is Settled!!!" and all the assholes wishing death to 'denialists'.

    'Suck It' only works if you're talking about the barrel of a 12ga.

  2. Luton Ian3:08 AM

    There's a great paper on "pathological altruism"

    basic summary; good intentions meet unanticipated consequences resulting in harm, but the intentions were good so we'll do it all over again, only harder...
    h/t David Gordon on circle bastiat
