Saturday, June 22, 2013

I will now note

that getting old sucks.  On multiple levels.

The one currently causing me to sit here typing instead of doing something else is that, after four days with mixing and molding concrete being the primary activity*, and only my usual 'normal' amount of sleep, I feel halfway like someone beat on me with sticks during the night.  Sore I could handle; this is beat.  As in 'eyes want to close, hands and back ache, tired-all-over' beat.  I do not recover from heavy work like I used to.

Since I'm on a roll here, I'll throw in women.  I very much enjoy the company of ladies, but the same time that's given me a lot more knowledge of how to interpret them has also given me a decided lack of patience with bullshit.  Which really interferes with things, because so many women seem to take it that they have some privilege to screw with men and suffer no consequences.  And get all butthurt when there ARE consequences.

Personal bitch on that subject: If you don't want to go out with someone, SAY SO.  Do not say "Yes" and then refuse to answer the phone.  If you have gone out, and don't want to again, the effort of saying "No, I don't think so" to a request for another is much preferable to- again- not answering the damn phone.
And if you play this game, do not expect the guy to be all smiles and forgiveness if you run into him; you decided lies and rudeness was better than honesty, so piss off.

Enough of that.  Nothing to do with age, except I may wear out before I find one, the hunt is still on for a K-32 I can afford and use.
I use that combination because you CAN find them; new-in-box, LNIB, and costing appropriately.  However, one that's got some wear that you won't mind taking to the range seems to be in the same realm of findability as unicorns not hostile to non-virgins. 

I have found that prices have reversed: a good dial caliper now costs a damn sight more than a good digital.

If you've got some time to pass, and don't mind some NSFW posts, and don't mind that reading some of his stuff will probably put you on the same list as Sipsey Street readers, go over to Wirecutter's place and browse around.
Speaking of Sipsey, he pointed to this, which would already have resulted in people getting their ass kicked if there were any justice:
As I've been reporting in a series of columns and blog posts over the past year, the Taliban waged an intricately coordinated, brutal attack on Camp Bastion in Afghanistan last fall -- three days after the deadly siege on our consulate in Libya and after months of prior security incidents and warnings. Fifteen jihadists disguised in stolen American combat fatigues penetrated the complex. They used rocket-propelled grenades, assault rifles and other weapons to wipe out nearly an entire squadron of Marine Harrier jets worth an estimated $200 million.

Along with the most devastating loss of U.S. airpower since Vietnam, two heroic U.S. Marines -- Lt. Col. Christopher Raible and Sgt. Bradley Atwell -- were killed in the battle, and nearly a dozen others were injured. Military officials refused to release details of the fateful budget and strategy decisions that led to the attack. But Deborah Hatheway, aunt of Sgt. Atwell and the family's spokesperson, and other Camp Bastion families learned on their own that their loved ones were left vulnerable to attack by military leaders who outsourced watchtower security on the base to soldiers from Tonga.
The neglect of security at Bastion was widely known. Nick Francona, a former Marine Corps Ground Intelligence Officer with 3rd Battalion, 4th Marines, who served as a Scout Sniper Platoon Commander in Helmand Province in 2011, recounted on Foreign Policy magazine's The Best Defense blog in April: "It was obvious to even a casual observer that many of the posts were unmanned and were comically left with a 'green Ivan' silhouette target as a halfhearted attempt at deterrence."

Francona added: "The attack only occurred because of an egregious failure in basic infantry practices. ... It is painfully obvious that this attack would not have been successful, or likely even attempted, if not for multiple security failures at Leatherneck/Bastion."

CO Senate President John Morse: one more ratbag hypocrite politician.
I intend to fight this – we cannot allow outside interest groups to determine what is best for Colorado.

Meanwhile, Mr. Morse, a Colorado Springs Democrat, released a statement Monday on his Facebook page asking for out-of-state help from those in traditionally liberal cities to help fight the recall effort.
“We can get phone lists to you and things like that and have you help from Boston, Massachusetts, or San Francisco, California,” said Mr. Morse in a video message. “So thanks for all that you’ve done and thanks for all that you’re going to do as we move forward to take on this tiger.”

Earlier, he expressed his fervent hope that fellow rabid forcible citizen disarmament advocate NYC Mayor Mike Bloomberg would come to his rescue with a nice fat infusion of Bloomberg Bucks.

And that's it for now.  If I don't get out of this chair I'm going to fall over.

*Five bags one day, next day help a friend with stuff, five bags each the next two days


  1. Keith1:22 PM


    how deep is the spying rat hole/

    H/t Wendy McElroy

  2. Amen on the dating scene. I have the same level of tolerance as you, and have burned plenty of bridges because of it. Regrets? None. If being truthful is that difficult, then I have no use for them.
