Thursday, June 27, 2013

Someday Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and every other RWPP* asshole

is going to be held responsible for the trouble they cause; unfortunately, it won't do the victims much good.

This was a local case, investigated by the police, cleared by the prosecutor, until those shitheads saw it as a prime chance to create a race mess; and if somebody winds up dead or crippled, or homes burned, they'll deny any responsibility for what they caused.

*Race Warlord Poverty Pimp, a fine term stolen from Denny


  1. I totally saw that coming. I have been saying for some time now that when GZ is ultimately found not guilty, he should sue the major media to pay for the security detail he'll need for the rest of his life. It will be no small miracle if he doesn't have quite a few more self-defense kills before he's ultimately murdered by some ignorant punk. And think, these are the same kids that smirked at their teachers after the O.J. Simpson trial saying, "I just found out that someone like me can kill someone like you and get away with it." MLK is spinning in his grave.

  2. One of those "If 'X' came back to life for a day, what would he say?" things; can you imagine what he'd have to say about- and to- Jackson and Sharpton?
