Thursday, June 27, 2013

Because we're OBVIOUSLY more dangerous than "Kill the Jews and infidels!" types;

after all, we commit all those 'carry the flag and tell the .gov to piss off' rallies, MUCH more dangerous than people planting bombs at a marathon.

However, al Chalabi was released June 12 based on claims that there was a lack of evidence to hold him custody.

A U.S. official said the U.S. government has evidence al Chalabi was linked to the Benghazi attack but did not provide that information to the Libyan government. It could not be learned why the evidence was not used to hold the suspect.

But don't pay attention to this, Bloody-Hands Cummings & Co. say so.
Though the IRS’s now infamous “lookout list” did contain the word “progressive,” screeners were instructed to treat progressive organizations differently from tea-party groups. Whereas they were merely alerted that a designation of 501(c)(3) status “may not be appropriate” for progressive groups, line agents were told to send tea-party applications off to IRS higher-ups, who coordinated their processing with lawyers in Washington, D.C. Beyond that, according to Roskam, there is “no substantive demonstration from any liberal group that they were targeted adversely.”

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Actually, yes. We are more dangerous to those who worship at the temple of .gov than the islamics. The islamists will only kill some proles. We, however, threaten their good times & power by denying the glories of their god, the government.

    This is why the IRS (for instance) harasses conservative/patriot types and not islamists.

    Jim Bowb
