Saturday, June 22, 2013

My, my

A handful of aviation experts, including a number of investigators who were part of the original probe of TWA Flight 800, have come forward in a new documentary to say evidence points to a missile as the cause of the crash off the coast of Long Island 17 years ago.

Does this count as more Hope! or more Change!! ?
Given all of that, it will come as little surprise to read a piece by reporters Marisa Taylor and Jonathan Landay of McClatchy's Washington Bureau, in which they reveal that the White House has a special attack program to deal with whistleblowers called Insider Threat Program (ITP). And, no, contrary to what the administration has claimed, it's not just about "national security" issues. It goes way beyond that:
President Barack Obama’s unprecedented initiative, known as the Insider Threat Program, is sweeping in its reach. It has received scant public attention even though it extends beyond the U.S. national security bureaucracies to most federal departments and agencies nationwide, including the Peace Corps, the Social Security Administration and the Education and Agriculture departments.

The decision to keep U.S. personnel in Benghazi with substandard security was made at the highest levels of the State Department by officials who have so far escaped blame over the Sept. 11 attack, according to a review of recent congressional testimony and internal State Department memos by Fox News.
Chances of the people responsible actually being HELD responsible?  Damn near zero, I imagine.

Attn. Gutierrez:
Fuck you.  We don't want your amnesty bill.
You're just pissed because too many Republicans won't roll over for you.

GOC pointed to this on that fat, racist clown Karen Lewis.

1 comment:

  1. IIRC, there were storiees of people who said they thought they saw a missile hitting the Long Island plane, getting visits from FBI heavies for "interviews".

    and the interviews included the heavies telling the witnesses what they saw: "nothing".

    There were also stories coming from Lockerbie (it's not far from where I spent most of my teens - I used to go ice skating in Lockerbie), that Americans were there in less than an hour or the plane coming down

    at that time, if you set off from the nearest cities the very second the plane came down, and drove like a mad man, you'd have been exceptionally lucky to drive there in under an hour...

    Those Americans seemed to know there were drugs to be found, and there were stories of locals being given plastic bags with electronics fragments in, to say that they found them.
