Friday, June 21, 2013

If this pans out for widespread use, 'miracle'

would be a good word for it.
Genetically modify the HIV virus, use it to infect T-cells and cause them to specifically attack cancer cells.

And if the people who put this together don't share the Nobel, then the committee needs its collective ass kicked up between its shoulder blades.

Right now, I'd kind of like to go to Sean Cumming's and have a pint of Harp; whoever, parts of my body would rather sit here.  Here's the 15-bags-of-concrete-and-a-mold-reason:

The earliest section(first shot) is the lightest-colored, the second(next day) a bit darker, and today the darkest.By tomorrow I should be able to walk on the last section(the dogs have proven that just a few hours let it set enough to be paw-proof).

If you'll excuse me, I think it's time for another dose of naproxyn.

1 comment:

  1. I wonder how it is that they are sure that the person will never develop AIDS since it sometimes takes many years for HIV to cause AIDS in a person. I hope they got it right though, this would be one heck of an advance against cancer.
