Thursday, June 13, 2013

Miserable, corrupt, dirtbag politicians who don't want to live under the rules

they demand for others.

Hey, you expect the Attorney General to obey the law or something?
The Oklahoma lawmaker pointed out that DOJ has been ignoring congressional caps on their conference spending. “[T]he Senate approved an amendment to the FY 2008 appropriations bill to cap DOJ conference spending at $15 million,” he reminded Holder. “Still, DOJ spent $47.8 million in 2008 on conferences, more than three times the amount authorized by Congress.  Conference spending at DOJ peaked in 2010, when the department spent more than $90 million on conferences.”

Clapper, you're a damned liar.  And Alexander, why the hell should we trust a word coming out of your mouth?  Especially when in contains stuff like this:
“Has the intelligence community kept track of how many times phone records obtained through section 215 of the Patriot Act were critical to the discovery and disruption of terrorist threats?” the senator asked the NSA chief.

Alexander said he hopes to get those figures within the next week. Leahy noted he couldn’t answer that question for the Intelligence Committee in a briefing yesterday.
(You mean to tell me that, KNOWING the question would come, he didn't have it ready?  Really?)
“It’s dozens of terrorist events that these have helped prevent, from my perspective,” Alexander said.
And just what the hell is your 'perspective' on this?

Note that Mikulski tried to keep anyone from asking about all this; I wonder why...

It appears that Joshua High School principal Mick Cochran needs a new job.  One not touching on schools or education.

It is a constant amazement to me what shit people will put in themselves for the sake of getting high.

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