Thursday, June 13, 2013

Attention Mr. Choudary, there's something you should know:

 The internets is FOREVAH!!!
On Monday, The Sun published pictures of the radical Muslim preacher Anjem Choudary partying while in college at Southhampton University, and now he wants these pictures removed from the Internet. Little does he know that folks don’t much care what radical preachers want.


  1. Gerry N.3:42 AM

    Someone needs to tell this idiot raghead that he can want in one hand and shit in the other to see which one fills up first.

    If ya don't want to be photographed drinking and have that photo on teh intarwebz, just don't drink. Idiot.

    Gerry N.

  2. He should consider the situation of some of the women on the internet porn sites he frequents. THEIR pictures are on the internet forever. Did he expect his pictures, because he's the little snowflake would be treated any differently?

  3. Probably.
    "I am muslim! I am an imam! This is what I want, and you must give it to me!"


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