Friday, May 03, 2013

Some thoughts on a lot of what passes for 'science fiction'

Do these idiots understand science fiction? Do they realize that the vast majority of that fiction is about humans surviving against all odds and overcoming obstacles through inventiveness and adaptability. Science Fiction is the cheerleader for the human race. While there is depressing science fiction in which humans make mistakes, it almost always ends with hope for humanity. Hope that we become better and learn a lesson from our mistakes. Sometimes a great science fiction classic works with a bleak premise about human nature, for instance 1984, but these are few and far between and the authors of these are universally warning the audience not to follow that path. The writers of today aren’t warning us of our folly. They are lamenting our very existence as a species.

"Citizens, we need you to inform on your neighbors!  Your family!  Anyone who says something that we can take as a threat!

It is for your society!"
So, Sheriff Bradshaw, if I say you're a nasty little piece of work who should be thrown out of that job before you destroy peoples lives, does that mean you'd want to knock on my door?  Search the house?  Get me listed as 'troubled'?  Get my 2ndAmendment rights terminated because you report me as having a mental problem for saying assholes like you deserve tar and feathers?

Oh, and let's not forget the 'lamppost, rope, politician' comments; OBVIOUSLY someone should bang on my door, right?

Speaking of informers and "Behave, citizen, or else", May 1 was Victims of Communism Day; thanks to Kevin for the reminder

1 comment:

  1. Luton Ian2:31 AM

    It's interesting that the first English colonies on the North American continent began by choosing communistic / socialistic constitutions, for example the Mayflower Compact, where each was to labour to the best of their abilities, putting btheir produce into a central store, from which each withdrew according to their needs.

    Not surprisingly, the governors of the colonies recorded the laziness of the majority, and the constant shortages of food from the communal fields.

    In Jamestown in 1609 - 1610, the shortages resulting from the perverse incentives of the socialistic system resulted not only in fammine but also in cannibalism.

    There had been written descriptions of the cannibalism, but now there's archaeological evidence of it too,

    The archaeologists at the Jamestown / James Fort site have some videos up showing the evidence of butchery on human remains (a teenage English girl), found discarded with bones of butchered dogs and horses.

    There's an excerpt from Rothbard's "Conceived in Liberty" as a Mises daily, describing the Mayflower compact and the resulting famine, and the abandonment of communism/socialism in the Plymouth colony, along with supporting records from the governors of the colony

    We don't have to go to Cambodia or Siberia to find the skulls of socialism's victims.
