Saturday, May 04, 2013

Mostly tab clearing

Some of the problems with psychiatry

Moral panics, and the BS they tend to be based on.
Connected: more on BS rape statistics

More on the administration lying about Benghazi

How're those gun bans and etc. working out in (fG)Britain and Australia?  Not so good.

“A dog can perform basic arithmetic and can count to four or five,” Brown said. “They read body language, have an innate sense of basic fairness, and find their way through the woods. I challenge you to show me a first or second lieutenant who can do any of that.”
“To be fair,” Brown countered, “the lieutenants did display the ability to shit in a toilet and hold their bowel movements until an appropriate time, giving them a slightly higher ranking in that category than the military working dogs that haven’t been housebroken yet.”

In a good federal case for open carry of firearms, the 4th Circuit holds that the open carry of a firearm, alone, does not constitute probable cause to detain someone absent some other evidence that the person is engaged in criminal activity.

Obama in Mexico: "A lot of your problems are our fault."  Surprise, right?
No word on whether, to deal with this, he'll stop hiding documents for head gun-smuggler Eric Holder.

Waking the Dragon. Read it.  One excerpt:
Gun people don’t trust anti-gun people because they tell us they don’t want to ban guns, only enact what they call “common sense gun laws.” But like a magician using misdirection, they tell everyone else they want to ban every gun everywhere. While some are busy trying to placate us with lies, another anti-gunner somewhere submits a gun ban proposal — proposals that often would automatically make us felons for possession. Felons, for no good reason. And you anti-gunners can roll up your grandfather clauses and stuff them where the sun don’t shine. If it ain’t good enough for our grandchildren in 60 years, it ain’t good enough for us right now.

And from the NRA convention: my, the bigots are a-protestin' now, aren't they!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:58 AM

    The waking the dragon article is fantastic. Thanks for the link!
    Jim in Texas
