Tuesday, April 09, 2013

"Your medical records are confidential. Except

when we decide they aren't."
James Tresmond Esq confirmed in our conversation that the above mentioned case is occurring in Erie County NY, it is his client that has been effected, and as yet unknown sources have seen fit to take it upon themselves to share confidential medical records with NY State Officials without authorization, a massive HIPPA violation.
It seems these supposedly confidential records are then compared against a list of known NY pistol license holders and letters are sent out demanding their Pistol Owner ID Cards be surrendered, as well as any firearms and accessories.
This is an unprecedented violation of a Citizens 2nd, 4th, and 5th Amendment RIGHTS, brought to fruition by power and control hungry tyrants holding elected office who swore an Oath to uphold and defend the very rights they are now actively stripping from their constituents.
So: New Effing York is doing exactly the kind of crap they denied they had ANY intention of.  But we're paranoids and nuts for worrying about it.

Of course, the BATFEIEIO is covering itself with even more glory as well:
ATF agents running an undercover storefront in Milwaukee used a brain-damaged man with a low IQ to set up gun and drug deals, paying him in cigarettes, merchandise and money, according to federal documents obtained by the Journal Sentinel.
Once authorities shut down the operation, they charged the 28-year-old man with federal gun and drug counts.
And remember, this is on top of ...ATF guns, including a machine gun, were stolen from an agent's vehicle; agents lost a ballistic shield; the storefront was burglarized of what agents said was nearly $40,000 in merchandise; agents left behind sensitive documents after they shut down the operation; and at least three of the wrong people were charged.

1 comment:

  1. Keith5:57 AM

    I forget what the goddess of unintended consequences is called, but I do recall that she is a sister of nemesis (not sure whether that's big sis or little sis), and even more of a tricky and vindictive bitch.

    The likely unintended consequence of medical record snooping:

    1) those experiencing emotional or mental health troubles don't seek, or dodge out of seeing "official" helpers, such as registered quacks and shrinks, and lie to those who'd suggested they go.

    "Yeah love, I saw the doctor today, he says i'm perfectly ok, nothing to worry about, he said ghe'd be a bit [insert here] if he'd just experienced [insert event]".

    which is probably no bad thing.

    2) people go use the net away from home so they can't be tracked, diagnose themselves and find out where to get saint john's wort / hypericum - just as effective as SSRIs with less / or at least different side effects. It's a common garden plant.

    3) a beautiful underground / black free market grows up of stealth practitioners who are not state registered, call themselves something other than the names which require state registration, and provide the services and medications people want, without snitching on them or keeping records that the statists can snoop on
