Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Sigi had a comment the other day on .22 prices

at Tulsa that included
This is precisely the free market working correctly; price arbitrage correcting a too-low price on Friday and maintaining supply on Saturday for those willing to pay a market price.

As always - even when it's in a market that makes us personally sensitive - "price gouging" is really "keeping supply available".

I do understand that; I was just pointing out that
The only people buying at the $70/brick price were those who flat had none and needed some, and nobody was buying the $100+/brick stuff.
And they can indeed price it out the ass if they choose; and they run the risk of both not selling any, and pissing off people who might have been future customers.

Australia just decided to screw over those who actually have saved for the future; that'll go over well.  But it's supposed to be fine because it's only on people with 'too much' retirement income from said savings.
And, to answer the question near the end, No, I do NOT trust a lot of these greedy bastards not to try the same thing here.

The People's Republic of MA: "Don't have or do anything that might somehow be used to make anything your fault, and hide in the corner and wait for The Authorities if there is a problem."

Yes, Obama started his political career in the home of and with the help of a terrorist.

Study says most cops think Obama and the other gun bigots are liars and fools; you'll never hear about it from the major media.  Especially with it starting like this:
More than 15,000 verified law enforcement professionals took part in the survey, which aimed to bring together the thoughts and opinions of the only professional group devoted to limiting and defeating gun violence as part of their sworn responsibility.

Totaling just shy of 30 questions, the survey allowed officers across the United States to share their perspectives on issues spanning from gun control and gun violence to gun rights.
Top Line Takeaways
Breaking down the results, it's important to note that 70 percent of respondents are field-level law enforcers — those who are face-to-face in the fight against violent crime on a daily basis — not office-bound, non-sworn administrators or perpetually-campaigning elected officials

Politician says "I'm going to block this bill until I know exactly what's in it"; Reid & Co. use whines about dead children to try to make him go away.

A less-offensive(they think) way of saying "You're not smart enough to make your own choices, you NEED government telling you what to do!" 

Margaret Thatcher died the other day.  Being human and willing to actually do something, she had her good and bad points, but because her good included having the balls to say 'Communism is bad' some of the left immediately proceeded to piss on her grave.  Which tells us who the assholes are.

The Diana DeGette Guide to Gun Safety, including

And two more celebrity dirtbags helping keep Cuba in a hole.


  1. On the .22 pricing: Yup. I figured you probably did think about it that way, just thought it could use an explicit comment.

    I personally look forward to the price of .22LR bricks dropping back under $15 again.

    I'll probably buy enough to fill a .50 Cal can when that happens.

  2. Fixating on gun violence is like fixating only on traffic accidents that involve tractor-trailers that collide with motorcycles.
